Walking on Water Weekly
Join Brandi each week to be equipped to believe God for the impossible, experience breakthrough in your own life, and see miracles manifest everywhere you go.
Separate Don’t Isolate
Do you feel almost as if you are walking in a completely different direction from those around you? Maybe it feels like you are losing friends or being completely misunderstood? ...
Transition Well
How are you handling the season of transition we are in? I have gone through tons of transition recently. In some areas I saw how much I have matured since ...
Who are you pleasing?
Saul lived to please people. David lived to please God. Who are you living to please? When God is calling you to do something new or different – you will ...
Pentecost is on the Way
Breakthrough is here! You are getting ready to see a manifestation of the glory of God in a way you have never dreamed or imagined. Pentecost is quickly approaching, and you ...
Fresh Infilling of the Holy Spirit
As you transition into the new thing God has for you – don’t go without a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit. When new things begin it is easy to ...
You can make disciples!
Over the last few months, God has been breaking my heart for the local church in a fresh way. As a believer in Christ we are called to live as ...
God is moving outside the church!
God never intended for the Gospel to remain inside the walls of a church building. And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to ...
You can go deeper with God!
Are you excited about what God is doing in your life? Do you feel the excitement of the transformation happening to you, your family, and your circumstances? The fastest way ...
Time to Press-in & Step Out
Imagine one man in your city is miraculously healed and when word gets around, everyone in your city—plus the neighboring city—is saved. As Peter passed through every region, he came ...